The more the berrier? I hope so! These are my little blueberries. I kept on making them until I had six. That's how many there are in my family: papa, mama, big sis, me,
lil sis berry and little bro berry. Interestingly my parents kept on making us until they had little bro berry.;) Ha. ha. Hope you all have a berry good weekend!
the more the berrier...ha ha! Where are their stems?? I want a stem on mine! :)
Berry berry cute! I love how big their eyes look on those little berries.
berry berry funny! I love love ruff, he is so cute and serious looking!
I'm wondering how to email you? sallymcentire-at-gmail-dot-com
bunny creates at gmail .com :D
this remind me of something from anime. :) sooooo cute!
Aww! They are so cute!
ahhh the blueberries are so so cute!
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