I wanted to host the first ever Monthly Makings and August Giveaway.
This month's theme is: Yellow.
Since it's the first monthly making. It should be simple. Make something yellow! It could be a toy, drawing, anything but of course yellow (or prominently yellow). :D
To participate send me an image of your yellow creation, a description, and the url you would like me to link to (optional) at bunnycreates [at] gmail.com. You have until the end of the month.
Anyone can participate. I will gather all the entries and post it here on the blog by September 10th, 2008.
To make it more interesting, all participants will be entered into a drawing for a surprise gift from
our store or perhaps something yellow :D but it'll be cute and made with love.
Let's start making. :)
Post about in your blog for another entry into the drawing. Just post the linky from your blog here as a comment. Here is the code you can copy and paste to your blog. (Link and bunny image)
<a href="http://bunnycreates.blogspot.com/2008/08/monthly-makings-august-giveaway.html"><img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5230353498575874562" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgXZj-f-7_pi4jQ_BWrNhNgAyiiZOD5NWsdfBAFuD3p-32WBSHuSmq_2-HEi2Ki7qC8NGusmz7Vy6Yl6Lb5PcSJW5TNRTEpX9d77W-EvkJcKwr74-t1mnqOtWVmi6RL2OajUmZDSHZMZTPV/s400/monthlymakings.png" border="0" /></a>