Chomp in the morning
Chomp at night
You chomped when everything
Was going alright.
Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp
Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp
We thought we had everything
figured out but then you started
to kick and pout
Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp
Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp
Finally put hubby and baby to sleep. We haven't napped since 9 this morning. Baby was on a feeding marathon. Not sure what is wrong exactly. We are currently breastfeeding and supplementing w/ formula. We had a nice little pattern going for the past couple days. Then today I thought maybe my breast milk will be enough for baby since she spit up the last formula feeding. But this began a long day of right, left, right left, baby sleeping, put baby down, baby wakes up, left, right ...etc. Worried for her. Off to bed now. If you have any advice do tell. :) Thanks.
I don't have any advice, but I know things will get better! :] hang in there. She is adorable!
Baby is too cute; you should let her do whatever she wants. :)
OMG... she is so beautiful! Look at those eyes and that HAIR!
Teeny tiny babies will go through stages like that...they have little growth spurts and they get so hungry! It sounds like you are doing what you need to be doing :-) Sometimes they are still hungry after that last drop of your milk, and formula is just fine. I learned that the hard way. But whatever makes little baby happy, ultimately makes mommy and daddy very happy. Because, everyone is happier with a little bit of rest :-)
Eeek! Sorry...but I can't get over her sheer adorable-ness! What is her name?
your baby is adorable! congrats :) and I hope you've been able to get a little rest.
aaaaaaaaaw....Look at those pictures, thank you for sharing, this is the moment I've been waiting for!!Congrats!!
newborn babies do eat every +/- 2 hours, don't worry, after 3 months old she will reduce her intake.. as long as she seems happy and content you shouldn't worry about a thing, dear :)
sorry no advice, but hope you are all doing well, and she is just getting more and more beautiful!
Congratulations! What a sweet little baby!
Babies can eat and eat and eat and eat... Don't worry! You are probably producing enough milk for her. I remember nursing Wren every 45 min! That was when he was first born. But it does slow down. They grow at an enormous rate in the beginning and do seem ravenous!
Good luck!
Happy times are here but wait until she turns two then you will need more advice. It's fun though. Happy motherhood.
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